Dio Cochrane is a Missionary and founder of Pathway Dominicana. A non-profit missions organization in the Dominican Republic that seeks to serve the communities in various way, while at the same time training and empowering pastors in the field while recruiting and equipping new church planters in Dominican Republic. Dio has recently accepted the calling of God to reach out the Hispanic population in Roanoke, Virginia, through Orchard Hills Church with the vision of planting a Hispanic church in the valley. 


Daniel Naff

Daniel Naff serves as the Pastor of Ridgeview Church in Boones Mill, VA just outside of Roanoke. Ridgeview is just over a year old, having been launched by a group that was sent by Petsworth Church in Gloucester, VA. Daniel served 14 years in the Navy before leaving to answer the call into ministry. He served as the Student Pastor at Petsworth and attended Liberty University before moving to plant Ridgeview in Boones Mill. Daniel is married to his high school sweetheart, Laurie. Together God has blessed them with five children; Luke, Liam, Landry, Lilah and Lawson. Daniel loves people and is passionate about creating authentic relationships within the community for people to see the love of Christ. If you don’t catch the Naff’s at church you are sure to catch them on the soccer field or in the woods, hiking or just enjoying the great outdoors.


Previous Residents


Charles Shannon

Reginald Johnson

Reggie and his wife, Courtney, both share a burden for multicultural church planting in the Northeast. They were married in 2008 and have three children: Lizzy (11), Abby (9) & RJ (6). Prior to ministry, Reggie worked as Case Manager in the prison systems of VA and Courtney as a (ICU) Registered Nurse. Reggie’s background led him to serve at Southeastern Seminary as one of the main administrators which established The North Carolina Field Minister Program (NCFMP). In 2021, the Johnson’s relocated from Roanoke, Virginia, to plant a healthy church in Pittsburgh’s inner city. They have since launched Christ Central Church in early 2023. Outside of church planting, you will find the Johnsons enjoying the ballfield with their kids and anything outdoors.

Charles Shannon serves as the Lead Pastor of Mission Church—a young church plant that he started with a small group of friends. After graduating from Regent University and Virginia Beach Theological Seminary, he moved to Norfolk to begin the church plant. He and his wife, Jaqueline, have joyfully been married for 13 years and have five small children. Charles is passionate about equipping the people of God with the Word of God in the hopes that they would experience the transforming power of God.



Josep Rosello-Ferrer

Vince Oliveri

Vince is a church planter and pastor of The Vine Church, a new gospel-centered, multicultural and missional church in Blacksburg, Virginia, home of Virginia Tech. Vince is married to his best friend Kara, and together they have three children: Zoe, Theo and Bo. Vince received his education from Virginia Tech (BS), Southeastern Seminary (MDiv) and the University of Aberdeen (PhD, to be completed in 2023). Originally from Chicago, Vince has lived in Virginia for more than 20 years and has a passion for making disciples who make disciples for the glory of Jesus and the flourishing of our city and world. Vince is a huge fan of Virginia Tech sports, going on adventures and reading good stories with his family, exploring and learning about different cultures and eating ice cream.

Bishop Josep now resides in Exmouth, England, with his wife, Patrice, and their daughter, Natalia. He is from Spain, and his wife is a doctor from Brazil. He was a diocesan bishop in South America for over fourteen years. In 2019, he relocated to England with the goal of planting new churches and revitalizing existing ones. He resigned from his position as a diocesan bishop in South America in May 2021. He is presently the minister of Christ Church in Exmouth and is praying about planting more churches in the UK and Europe. He has a passion for discipleship, church planting and advancing the kingdom in this generation with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  


Matt Riley

James Paice

James became a Christian whilst at Oxford University in 1991. He worked briefly as a stockbroker in the City of London which is when he met his wife, Rosie. He then trained for ordained ministry in the Church of England and has served in two churches in Sussex. Since 2008 he has been Vicar of a church in London. He and Rosie have two grown children, aged 21 and 18. In the spring/summer of 2021 on a three-month sabbatical, he planted a “pop-up” church on the Portuguese island of Madeira, off the coast of Morocco. This was amongst a digital nomads community and is comprised of expats of different nationalities and locals. The church is still going and he visited it last November and in February of this year. He is currently attempting to establish long-term leadership for it as the island is very sparsely served for evangelical ministry and many people speak English there. He continues to be interested in church revitalization and church planting. 

We are the Rileys–Matt, Katie, Micah, Ella, Annalise, Sophia and Thomas. We have been married 23 years and during that time we have worked in the secular workplace, went to seminary, served as overseas as church-planting interns, served in a full-time ministry position in Florida, and now we serve in France. After graduating from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (2007), we served in Toulouse, France, as church-planting interns for 10 months with Reach Global. Following our return to the States, we pursued ordination with the Anglican church. From 2008–2012, we pastored St. Paul Anglican in Lynn Haven, Florida. We have been working as church-planting missionaries in France since 2012 and are currently leading a regional church-planting project in the Brittany region of France. The project is based in Pontivy, and is focused on planting churches, training leaders and equipping these leaders to carry on the work of church planting and disciple making. 


Joel Shuler

Suraj Guatam

Suraj and his bride, Prasansha, were recently married on April 14 and make their home in Lalitpur, Nepal. Suraj has a bachelors in Theology. They currently attend New Creation Free Church and plan to plant a church in Kathmandu after residency.



Issac Lasky

Lasky AAi family image.jpg

Isaac is from Colchester, England, but has been serving with the New Anglican Missionary Society (NAMS) in Bangkok, Thailand, for the past six years. He is married to Patchara, a Thai national, and they were blessed with the birth of their son Samuel (Sammy) in April 2020. Isaac leads an international church plant called All Nations Bangkok, which primarily involves working among migrants and Thai college students. Isaac also leads the NAMS Global Apprenticeship program, which is training next-generation disciple-making leaders in Nepal, Kenya, Thailand, and will soon multiply to India and the U.K.

Ivan Escalona

Originally from Concepción, Chile, Ivan has been involved in Christian ministry since his childhood, as he grew up alongside his church-planting grandfather and parents. Ivan has a missionary’s heart, which has guided him around the globe and allowed him to serve in various ministries throughout North, Central, and South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. Presently, God has particularly placed the Horn of Africa region in Ivan’s sight, and he has great hopes to serve throughout that region. He met his wife, Mary, while serving together in a church plant in Chile, and they presently live in Inverness, Fla., with their daughter, Alice.


Pankaj Neupane

Pankaj was born in Dhangadhi, Nepal, and grew up in a pastor’s family. At 16, he was saved and began to realize the Lord’s call for ministry. He enrolled in Bible college (B.Th) in Kerala, India, at age 18, as new churches were planted in the tribal communities of far west Nepal. In 2016, he was called to plant a church in Kathmandu, Nepal, and has been serving as a pastor there  ever since. He is a graduate of NAMS Global Apprenticeship Program and is passionate about disciple making, preaching and planting church. Pankaj enjoys playing soccer and reaching youth with sports ministry.  

Siseho Minyoi

Siseho and Pamela have been married for 15 years and have two children: Isaac (14) and Ezra (9). Siseho’s vision is to see the local church invigorated to become a center for biblical expository preaching, disciple-making and church planting. Siseho has been in ministry for 20 years and functioned as a worship leader, pastor and church planter. He continues to serve God in a new church plant called Bridgepoint Fellowship in Lusaka, Zambia. 


Tek Prasad Rijal

Tek lives in Kathmandu, Nepal, with his wife, Samjhana, and two children: son, Anush, and daughter, Aida. He serves as a pastor and, beginning in 2014, NAMS team leader for Himalayan and Tibetan people groups, seeking to reach people with the gospel through planting churches in the region. The Himalayan region, which covers Nepal, northeast India, Bhutan, Tibet and Myanmar is dominantly Hindu and Buddhist and one of the most unreached and difficult places to share the gospel and plant churches. The spiritual difficulties are combined with dangerous travel in mountainous regions. Many people groups have never heard the name of Jesus, and there are no churches in many villages in the remote places. In fact, some countries in this region, like Bhutan and Tibet, are still closed to the gospel. Tek believes that if these regions are able to be reached with the gospel, all nations in the world can be reached. 

Timothy Mazimpaka

Timothy and his wife, Rachel, are Rwandans who survived the 1994 Rwandan genocide and are now serving the Lord in Nairobi, Kenya, through the New Anglican Missionary Society (NAMS). Two years ago, Rachel and Timothy planted a church among single mothers in one of largest markets in Nairobi. Around the same time, God used them to pioneer a discipleship fellowship of young professionals and university students meeting in the Central Business District of Nairobi. They are blessed with two daughters and two sons. 


Zechariah Bekele

Zechariah and his wife, Hanna Tadesse, have been married since 2007 and have two children, Joshua (12) and Joseph (8). Zechariah is a native of Ethiopia and an American citizen who is currently ministering to Ethiopian immigrants in Las Vegas, NV. His vision is to reach out to the lost Ethiopians in the city and equip the saints in the word of God who are living in the Las Vegas area and pastors who are in Ethiopia. His favorite sport is soccer.




Erik and Andrea moved to McKinney Texas in the fall of 2017 with the intentions of planting an Anglican parish that both leaned into the great tradition and could be effective in a modern context. The Willits family lived in the Dallas area previous…

Erik and Andrea moved to McKinney Texas in the fall of 2017 with the intentions of planting an Anglican parish that both leaned into the great tradition and could be effective in a modern context. The Willits family lived in the Dallas area previously while Erik was the student ministries pastor at Christ Church Plano. They were drawn back by the charm of historic McKinney and the need for a Gospel-centered Anglican church in one of the fastest growing areas in the country. Erik spent 20 years ministering to students and families, primarily through a ministry of event speaking and itinerate preaching. He and his family are excited to be following Jesus and loving their neighbors in McKinney. Erik and Andrea have three beautiful and wild children; Jack (9), Reese (7), and Soren (4).


Morgan and Ashley married in 2008 where they both grew up in Northern California. Shortly after, they moved to Chicago, where Morgan pursued his passion for ministry, earning a BA in Pastoral Studies at Moody Bible Institute. Ten years later, in Sep…

Morgan and Ashley married in 2008 where they both grew up in Northern California. Shortly after, they moved to Chicago, where Morgan pursued his passion for ministry, earning a BA in Pastoral Studies at Moody Bible Institute. Ten years later, in September 2018, Morgan began serving as the Associate Pastor of Incarnation Anglican Church in Arlington, VA. In addition to pastoral ministry, he’s been steadily writing his PhD dissertation at the Catholic University of America in Syriac literature which has both shaped and informed his vision for planting a congregation in Northern VA. Outside of work, Ashley and Morgan, enjoy gardening, time with friends, finding fun coffee shops, and exploring the outdoors of Northern VA and the East Coast.



Charles and his wife, Tranay, both share a passion for Christ and a heart to encourage the body of Christ. In 2017, they relocated from Dallas to Roanoke with the intention to plant a multicultural, multiethnic church. Together with their two sons, …

Charles and his wife, Tranay, both share a passion for Christ and a heart to encourage the body of Christ. In 2017, they relocated from Dallas to Roanoke with the intention to plant a multicultural, multiethnic church. Together with their two sons, Kyree and Charles III, they began working towards that goal. Kyree is currently attending Virginia Western, and Charles III recently graduated from high school and will begin college this fall. Charles has a Bachelor of Science from Dallas Christian College in Ministry Leadership, a M.A. from Liberty University in Homiletics, and is currently completing his M.Div. in Global Studies.




Gabriel, an American citizen, is a native of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. He currently ministers to African refugee families and immigrants in central Florida. His vision is to plant a church that serves them. He is passionate about peace a…

Gabriel, an American citizen, is a native of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. He currently ministers to African refugee families and immigrants in central Florida. His vision is to plant a church that serves them. He is passionate about peace and faith formation among God’s children. Gabriel and his wife Prudence, have three children. He enjoys playing soccer and biking with his family.


Dave and his wife, Katie, were married in 1989. God has blessed them with two married daughters, Alexis and Meredith (and two godly Christian sons-in-law), and a nine-year-old son, Brenner. Since June of 2009, Dave has been the rector at All Saints …

Dave and his wife, Katie, were married in 1989. God has blessed them with two married daughters, Alexis and Meredith (and two godly Christian sons-in-law), and a nine-year-old son, Brenner. Since June of 2009, Dave has been the rector at All Saints Anglican Church in Morehead City, N.C., and his vision is to see the parish revitalized to become a center for disciple making and church planting. Dave grew up in Virginia, graduated from The College of William & Mary and later earned an MBA from the University of Richmond. Prior to entering seminary, Dave had a 15-year career in sales and marketing.



Mark and Cate moved to Dallas in April of 2017 answering a call to plant a three-stream Anglican Church in Dallas where Mark grew up. He is now on staff at All Saints Dallas. Mark has worked in a number of churches and denominations, but has found a…

Mark and Cate moved to Dallas in April of 2017 answering a call to plant a three-stream Anglican Church in Dallas where Mark grew up. He is now on staff at All Saints Dallas. Mark has worked in a number of churches and denominations, but has found a home within the Anglican tradition. As a pastor for more than 20 years, he has ministered to students, young adults, and most recently as an associate pastor in Ohio. He is passionate about preaching, making disciples and finding ways to talk about sports and movies. Recently, he and Cate welcomed their daughter, Fiona, into the world. They now have four kids; Finn, Loch, Eve and Fiona.


Ryan and Kristin have been married for 15 years and have two children: Olivia (9) and Carson (7). Ryan, whose undergrad degree is in philosophy, was a lawyer in Little Rock for 10 years before becoming an associate pastor at St. Andrew’s Church in J…

Ryan and Kristin have been married for 15 years and have two children: Olivia (9) and Carson (7). Ryan, whose undergrad degree is in philosophy, was a lawyer in Little Rock for 10 years before becoming an associate pastor at St. Andrew’s Church in January 2017. Their vision is to plant a new congregation in partnership with St. Andrew’s, when the time is right in the Lord.